Notice of AGM 2022/2023
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Kingscliff & District Chamber of Commerce will be held at 1/150 Marine Parade Kingscliff NSW 2487 and remotely (via MS Teams – link TBA), on Friday July 29 2022, commencing at 8am.
The business of the AGM will be:
- To receive and confirm the Minutes of the last AGM, December 18, 2020.
- To receive and consider the President’s report outlining the activities of the Chamber for the past 18 months.
- To receive and consider the Financial Reports of the Association for the last 2 financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22 in accordance with Section 48 of the Act.
- The President to declare all positions vacant and advise that nominations have been received for Office Bearers and Committee Members for 2022/23.
- To elect Office Bearers of the Association and Ordinary Members of the Committee 2022/23 financial year.
- Adoption of the Business NSW Constitution:
- Change of name to Business Kingscliff
- Signatories on the Chamber account/s.
- Setting membership fees for 2022/23.
- Public Officer.
- Social Media Officer.
Nominations are hereby called for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- 4 Ordinary Members
Nomination for membership of the Executive Committee must be on the appropriate form, signed by one financial member of the Association. The nominee must also be a current financial member.
Contact the Secretary for a nomination form at
* Completed forms must be returned to the Secretary no later than 5pm, Friday July 22, 2022 *